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My Funeral Wishes



My Funeral Wishes



"Just knowing what my mum's wishes were made arranging the funeral so much easier. We knew we were making the right choices for her."


The taboo around funerals is slowly starting to lift. Families are now starting to openly discuss their thoughts with family. By simply having your ideas written down families can make decisions knowing they are following their loved one's wishes.


Many people have thought about what they would like to happen at their own funeral. From the service itself to music and reading choices. These days the options are endless.


You do not need to have a funeral plan to record your wishes. You can print off the form, fill it out and keep it somewhere safe or you can send a copy back to us and we will hold it safe for you. There is no charge or fee it is solely a way your family will know what you would prefer for your own funeral.


If you would like to see how it works and the decisions you can make go to the link below where you can print off "My Funeral Wishes"

What happens if my wishes change?


You can update your wishes at any time. Again there is no fee or charge.
What is the difference between a Funeral Plan and My Funeral Wishes?
A funeral plan is a way of pre paying for a funeral service in advance, either in full or over set amount of payments.  
With a funeral plan you enter into an agreed level of funeral services at an agreed price.  The funeral plan allows you to pay today's funeral prices and they will be honoured in the future. With a funeral plan you can also record your wishes and they are lodged with your plan.
Funeral wishes are simply your wishes being recorded with no provision or payment being made.  That means your family know what you would like to have but the funeral will need to be paid for at the time of your passing.

How do I record my Funeral Wishes?

You can download the "My Funeral Wishes" document above.  The document will give you a complete guide of the usual decisions we ask families to make when they arrange a funeral.
Print the form off and clip all the sheets together and you can then keep your wishes in a safe place.  Make sure someone you trust knows where they are.
We always recommend having the conversation with your family.  There are questions and input that they will want to have.
If you wish you can send us a copy of your wishes for us to keep safe for you.  In that case send them in to us and we will make sure you have a copy for your records in the future.
What if I want to turn My Funeral Wishes into a funeral plan in the future?
We can easily discuss your wishes with you and build a bespoke funeral plan to suit your choices at any point in the future.
You can always call us for help and advice while you are deciding on your wishes. We are always happy to help and advise you. Call us on 07733 327532 or email if you would like a copy sent to you in the post.
J.A. Gormley Funeral Directors – Our family taking care of your family

We are proud to run a truly independent family business. When you need us, our family really is here for your family.


1 Main Street, Maghera BT46 5AA & 24 Cloyfin Road, Coleraine BT52 2NU

Tel: 028 70531 181 or 07733 327532                                                                                                       

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