The family of the late Elizabeth McCloy wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone who supported and sympathised with us during our sad loss.
Thanks to everyone who attended the wake and funeral. To Fr Paddy Doherty and Fr Graham for their care and attention during the wake and funeral . To Rodney Beggs for his beautiful singing.
Thanks to all Elizabeth's carers for their care and attention they gave to Elizabeth during her illness. Thanks to the Trust carers, Anns Home Care, Marie Curie and Rutledge. A special word of thanks to Joanne, Noreen, Brigeen, Stephanie Charmaine and Ellen who were so good to Elizabeth
A special thanks to Angela Turner of Bellaghy Clinic, Martin McKenna of Shiels Pharmacy and Joanne in Boots, Maghera for their attentiveness and helpfulness in Elizabeth's medication .
A special word of thank to Thelma, Eunice and Christine for their fantastic catering services during the wake and funeral.
Special thanks to J. A. Gormley Funeral Directors for their care and professionalism throughout the wake and funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be appreciated by all with our heartfelt thanks.
Elizabeth's months mind Mass was celebrated in St. Mary's Church, Lavey on Saturday 14th December at 6pm.
Mass was viewed at: https://churchmedia.tv/camera/church-of-our-lady-of-mercy