The family of the late Teresa McNulty RIP would like to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone who sympathized with them on the loss of a much loved mother, mother-in-law and grandmother.
We would like to extend our thanks to extended family, friends and neighbours for all their help and support at this time.
Thank you to everyone who attended the wake, brought gifts, sent cards and messages, posted tributes on social media or who helped in any way during the wake.
Our thanks also to Maghera Health Centre, especially Dr Shaw, Dr Faulkner, Dr McNeill and the district nurses and Marie Curie nurses who cared for Teresa with such compassion during her illness. Thanks also to the carers who looked after Teresa over the last few years.
A special mention to Fr Paddy Doherty and Fr Kieran O’Doherty for their support and spiritual comfort during the wake and funeral and to Hannah Ferguson for the beautiful music at the Funeral Mass.
A special thanks to Michael and Nicholas Gormley of J. A. Gormley Funeral Directors Maghera and Coleraine for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
Thanks also to the Oak Leaf Restaurant who provided refreshments after the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with our heartfelt thanks.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Teresa’s month’s mind Mass was celebrated in St Patrick’s Church Glen on Friday 20th September at 7.30 pm. Mass was viewed via: st-patricks-church-maghera - MCN